I dreamt that I was watching a vision. I know it was a visions because I did not appear in my dream; you know how while we are dreaming, we usually play the leading role? Well , not in this dream; at least, not at the beginning of it. It was almost as if I had been watching a movie. I dreamt that I saw Jesus Christ, clothed in a brilliant white robe with a golden rope-like sash tied around His waist, His long brown silky hair flowing in the warm wind as He, with a determined expression on His face rode on a beautiful white Arabian horse parallel to the shore.
The image suddenly changed and I saw in the crystal clear light blue sky, what seemed to be a huge radiant bronze chalice or cup with foreign engravings surrounding it. The chalice began to spin clockwise, slowly at first, then picked up speed and began to get closer, brighter and larger as if it were falling from the sky towards the ground. Suddenly, a huge flash of light happened as if an explosion had occurred yet I did not hear any sound nor feel the ground shaking; there was no impact.

Next thing I know, I am now in the dream; no Jesus, no chalice but my dad was there, he was wetting his finger with his tongue then down to the sandy gravely ground and then back up to his mouth. He was feeding himself! I then saw my mother just sitting on the ground in a daze while now, included in my dream, my sister Betty. She, was walking around with her arms outstretched, her hands were slightly bent backwards, her fingers pointed towards the sky and a smile on her face; there was another person whom I did not recognize, it was a man who was making the sign of the cross with the side of his hand, his fingers pointed towards the sky, erect and stiffened, the way a priest would do if he were blessing his congregation from the pulpit.

It seemed as though we were in a place of ruin. There were caves in the mountains sprinkled with near naked trees and the sandy ground was barren and hot with scattered pieces of rock and remnants of collapsed edifices. Jesus, where are we? I remember a surge of fear racing up through my body as I realized that neither one of my 2 daughters or my other sister were in sight. I had to look for them! Before my dream popped, I realized our clothing were in tatters and we were either barefoot or missing a shoe; they were covered in dust as were our faces and hair. Our appearances was not too different from the coughing faces covered in white cement and dust which the world saw on television as survivors struggled to get away from the 2001 shambles left of the New York City World Trade Towers after the 9 -11 attack on them.
When I woke up, I was sure that my dream was a warning of what some call, the Apocalypse.