My friend Christine had been very ill with cancer of the bones and had been transferred to Calvary Hospital which is the hospital patients with no further hope of life are taken for the peace and serenity it offers to make their final days more comfortable.
I had been praying for strength for her husband and their young son who look like zombies walking around doing what they had to do, all the while appearing dazed and almost soul-less.
I did not know she had been transferred until I returned home from work and was informed by one of my neighbors. I thought back on my walk to work that morning when I had seen a small sparrow with a broken wing attempting to fly away from the path of us, the giant humans, rushing towards our designated skyscrapers after pouring out of the subways and up the steps emerging from the tunnels. I remembered feeling so empathetic for it.
The following week I was on my way towards the subway when I noticed another small sparrow lying lifeless on the concrete ground just beside a medium sized tree. How curious to have witnessed first a maimed bird and then one who had probably fallen from the tree and perhaps broken its little neck after the fall.
Once home, my sister called to break the news to me of our dear friend Christine's death early that morning.
I couldn't help but to believe that my sightings of the 2 sparrows were God's way of telling me of my friend's condition, preparing me for the news which would follow. Something as simple as the above events may be messages from beyond which many do not recognize or accept. I for one, like to believe that we all have communication from the spirit but that only those who believe and are open to receive those messages can recognize them. I say this with conviction because, this was only the first time I have been alerted about the impending death of someone close to me.
During the month of my friend's death, I prayed that she had been delivered into the loving arms of God. There are many different religions and spiritual beliefs and mine is that of Catholicism since, as I have previously mentioned somewhere in some blog, some place, that I was raised a Catholic and educated by the Sisters of Charity. It is ingrained in me that faith, even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. It may have been within the first week after attending the funeral service that I dreamt about Christine, she was walking her dog Alfie as she did while in life but this time, she was wearing a lovely brilliantly blinding yellow colored dress; something way out of the norm, for Christine, as she was always in sneakers, jeans and her hair tied up in a pony tail. I knew that morning when I awoke, that Christine was now in a good place.
2012 Sparrows Enter My Life Once Again. This Time I Took Pictures and Videos
2 sparrows built their nest in my plant
They worked endlessly to construct their little space
for mommy sparrow to nest.
This is the perfectly constructed nest
Here is mommy sparrow nesting.
She nested for about 7 days until one day,
I noticed she was no longer there but was delighted to see her little eggs in the nest.
They began to hatch. See their round dark eyes and reddish skin?
Here is a better shot of them.
Once they grew a little bigger, they began to quietly beg for food.
Here they are with more of their down and nicely formed already.
They began to become aware of me snapping pictures of them
but they still were not strong enough to fly away.
They seemed to enjoy the attention.

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